Employee Central (EC) Time has matured considerably, but certain functionality, or lack there of, makes it less of a contender, especially for 24×7 operations with work schedules spanning two calendar days.
If an employee works an overnight shift beginning Tuesday at 8PM through 4AM Wednesday; to which day are the employees work hours charged? Tuesday or Wednesday? If the employee then works an additional 2 hours, is the 2 hours considered overtime, and for which day?
Many companies would answer that the hours worked on Wednesday are part of the Tuesday “logical workday”, but Prior to the H2 2020 release, this functionality to assign hours to a prior day was not possible.
Fortunately, this was addressed in the Q2 2020 EC release; and is an easy configuration, setting the “cross midnight allowed” flag, which allows the user to define schedules crossing midnight as belonging to the prior day.
More info here: